Separation From God

The early chapters of Genesis rank among the most important words ever recorded. There, we learn that God destined his new creation to “walk with him in the garden” in perfect harmony. Adam and Eve were richly endowed, made in God’s own image, gifted with the unique capacity of being able to choose—a gift that was about to be woefully abused.

While the garden was pristine, it was not a place where “anything goes.” God, in his love, set limits. He warned: “You must not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” (Genesis 2:17) As children today flaunt parental boundaries designed for their benefit, the first couple flagrantly disobeyed. Their transgression became known as “sin.”

Today, many ignore the concept of sin and its consequences. As a result, we are blinded to that which most requires a cure. For example, we may not like the doctor’s diagnosis of our disease, but that doesn’t remove the disease. It only impedes the remedy.

God’s action in response to Adam and Eve’s disobedience was swift and dramatic. They were evicted from the garden. Gates were closed. Angelic beings were stationed to prevent reentry. The first humans could now only peer longingly at the bountiful land and once joyful bond they had forsaken.

“You must not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”

(Genesis 2:17)

A particular evil force had incited their disobedience. Characterized in this account as a cunning serpent, his name was Satan, or the devil. Just as we are in peril if we ignore the reality of sin, we are at risk if we ignore the reality of the devil, the unrelenting enemy of our souls.

God had no intention of allowing the tragic separation to remain.

From this prophecy we learn that a future offspring of Eve would one day strike the head of the devil. In the process, his heel would be bruised. That offspring is Jesus. The prophet Isaiah describes the culmination of the conflict:

"He (Jesus) was pierced because of our rebellion, crushed because of our iniquities; punishment for our peace was on him."

(Isaiah 53:5)

So, from the outset of mankind’s rebellion, scripture offers the eventual hope of redemption through Jesus, who died for us and rose from the dead. The entirety of the Old Testament points in one direction: God’s plan to reestablish the relationship between himself and his creation, the very relationship he fashioned from the beginning. This gift is offered to us today if we turn from our sin and accept Jesus, becoming a part of God’s family.

Are you ready to become part of God’s family?

"I will put hostility between you and the woman (Eve), and between your offspring and her offspring (the Seed). He will strike your head, and you will strike (bruise) his heel."

(Genesis 3:15)

Dive Deeper

God Are You There?

How to Trust in God

Does God Speak to Us?

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